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Is Beurer FM60 a good foot massager to consider?

Tamara Avatar By: Tamara | Last updated April 16, 2021

Beurer FM60 foot massager front image white and gray

Foot massagers may be considered a whim by some people or even useless. That couldn’t be further from the truth though. Massages aren’t just relaxing, although that is a very important quality of a good massage session. But they bring way more benefits than that and, in some cases, are even necessary. And since your feet are an important part of your body, they deserve all the care and attention you can offer them.

A foot massage is a great way to improve your circulation and to reduce blood pressure. If you constantly have cold feet (literally!), or your feet get numb very often, you should definitely consider buying a foot massager.

And here’s another weirder one you might not know: foot massages help you reduce headaches, even those nasty migraines.

Other benefits of foot massages are: they improve your sleep quality, they promote healthier nails and skin, they help reduce foot swelling and other foot related disorders/problems.

And in addition to all these, there’s nothing more relaxing than getting back from work, taking off those uncomfortable high heels and pamper yourself with a great foot massage.

What kind of foot massager should you choose?

Depending on your preference, need and budget, you can choose between a variety of foot massagers. You can go for something as simple as a wooden, manual massager, with rollers, or opt for an electric massager that uses vibration and heat to massage your feet. Water foot massagers are also popular and they use warm water and jet bubbles to massage your feet. However, they are mostly used for relaxation purposes only.

Beurer FM60 Shiatsu foot massager review

The Beurer FM60 is a German electric foot massager that uses the Shiatsu technique to massage your feet. Beurer is a reputable German manufacturer that has a rich selection of wellbeing products, from massagers to snore stoppers, dehumidifiers, kitchen scales and many more.

The Beurer FM60 is a simple but useful foot massager which also includes a heat function. The massager offers Shiatsu massage, a popular and ancient Asian massage technique that applies pressure with the fingers, thumbs or the palm. In this case, the human hands are replaced by 18 Shiatsu kneading massage heads (9 for each foot). The massage heads find target key points in your feet and the Shiatsu massage helps you reduce muscle tension, foot ache and so on. The massager is covered by a breathable mesh that is washable and ensures the massage heads aren’t too rough on your feet.

What are the features of the Beurer FM60?

The Beurer FM60 weighs approximately 6 pounds and has an output power of 50 watts.  It has 2 speed levels, low and high and a heat function that is activated when you are using the high-speed setting. The heat function doesn’t work with the low speed setting of the foot massager.

This foot massager doesn’t come with a built-in timer, as it is the case with other competitors. That is why, as pleasant as it might feel, you shouldn’t exceed a period of 15 minutes for a single massage session. That is the standard duration for a massage session and specialists don’t recommend you go beyond it. There is no remote control included with this massager either.

The Beurer FM60 has height-adjustable feet so you can manually set them at your desired height.

The Beurer FM60 will cost you approximately $50. It is extremely user-friendly, effective and a great device for both relaxation and therapeutic purposes. It is a bit minimalist in terms of features, but it is great at what it does.