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6 Things Every Serious Homeowner Should Have In Storage

Mitch Avatar By: Mitch | Last updated October 4, 2022

three plastic containers


Every homeowner should have a storage plan. It doesn't matter if you're just starting or have been a homeowner for years - everyone can benefit from having a solid plan for what to do with all of their stuff. That's why we've put together this list of six essential items that every serious homeowner should have in storage. By having these items on hand, you'll be able to deal with any unexpected situation that comes up - from a broken pipe to a natural disaster. 

person putting pills in organizer

1. Medical Supplies

Medical supplies are a necessity in any home, and it's important to have them stored in a safe and accessible place. If you have any prescription medications, make sure to keep them in a cool, dry place where they won't be exposed to extreme temperatures or sunlight. You should also consider keeping a first-aid kit in your storage area, as well as any other medical supplies that you might need in an emergency. You can also learn more at to see the different medical supplies that might come in handy in your home. Non-prescription medications, such as pain relievers and antacids, can also be stored in your storage area. Probiotics are also a must, as well as some of the commonly used creams and ointments. Make sure to also have something for scars and inflammation. 

2. Cleaning Products

Cleaning products are another essential item that every homeowner should have in storage. From laundry detergent to all-purpose cleaners, you'll want to make sure you have everything you need to keep your home clean and tidy. If you have pets, you might also want to keep some pet-specific cleaning products in your home, such as shampoo and flea collars. Cleaning products need to be put away in a safe place, where they won't be exposed to extreme temperatures or sunlight. Because of this, having a climate-controlled storage area is ideal. Here are three of the most important cleaning products you should have in your home:

  • Bleach: This is a powerful disinfectant that can be used on a variety of surfaces. It's perfect for cleaning up spills and getting rid of tough stains.
  • Laundry Detergent: You'll need laundry detergent to keep your clothes clean and fresh. Choose a detergent that is suitable for your washing machine and the type of fabric you're washing.
  • All-Purpose Cleaner: An all-purpose cleaner is a must-have for any home. It can be used on countertops, floors, and other surfaces. Look for a cleaner that is non-toxic and gentle on surfaces.
3. Tools

Tools are an essential part of any home, and every homeowner should have a basic set of tools in their storage area. This might include a hammer, screwdriver, saw, and other basic tools. You might also want to consider investing in some power tools, such as a drill or sander. If you're not sure what kind of tools you need, you can always ask a professional at your local hardware store for guidance. It's also a good idea to keep a few spare light bulbs and batteries on hand, as well as some duct tape and zip ties. Additionally, you should have a fire extinguisher in your storage area.

4. Seasonal Items

Seasonal items, such as holiday decorations and winter clothes, are another essential item that every homeowner should have in storage. If you don't have a lot of space in your home, you might want to consider renting a storage unit to keep these items safe. When it comes to seasonal items, it's important to make sure they are stored in a way that will protect them from damage. For example, holiday decorations should be stored in a box that is clearly labeled and easy to access. Winter clothes should be stored in a dry, cool place where they won't be exposed to moisture or extreme temperatures. 

5. Documents

Documents are another essential item that every homeowner should have in storage. This might include birth certificates, social security cards, insurance documents, and more. It's important to keep these documents in a safe place, where they won't be damaged or lost. A fireproof and waterproof safe is a good option, as it will protect your documents from any potential disasters. Documents such as those that prove your ownership over the house and any other documents related to your home need to be stored in a place where they can be easily accessed in case of an emergency. 

6. Emergency Supplies

Emergency supplies are the last essential item on our list, but they are certainly not the least important. Every serious homeowner should have a basic emergency kit in their storage area. This might include a flashlight, batteries, a first-aid kit, non-perishable food items, and bottled water. You might also want to consider investing in a generator if you live in an area that is prone to power outages. For example, if you live in an area that is prone to hurricanes, you might want to have a generator and some extra fuel on hand.

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No matter what kinds of items you need to store, it's important to make sure that your storage area is well-organized. This will help you find what you need when you need it, and it will also help you keep your home clean and clutter-free. If you're not sure how to get started, there are plenty of resources available online or at your local library. Once you've got your storage area organized, you'll be one step closer to being a serious homeowner.