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Best robot vacuums for cleaning pet hair

Hailey Avatar By: Hailey | Last updated February 15, 2019

picking up pet hair of the floor robot vacuum cleaners

As much as pet owners love their pets, they’ll all admit to one thing: they equally hate cleaning up their furry little friends’ hair, on a regular basis. Shedding can be a true nightmare for any pet owner and it seems like that hair is everywhere and you can never get rid of it completely. And who wants to vacuum 24/7 just to keep pet hair under control? That’s where robot vacuums come in and they can make your life so much easier.

Robot vacuums are smart, small, they can fit almost anywhere, they can be programmed to vacuum on their own at specific set intervals and they can recharge themselves. It almost sounds too good to be true. And it can be, as long as you pick a quality product, because not every vacuum cleaner is equally efficient. You have to choose a vacuum with a decent bin capacity, because pet hair accumulates very fast. It has to have proper brushes and rollers and a good air filtration system.

Here are the best robot vacuums for pet hair:

The iRobot Roomba 890. This one remains one of the best robot vacuums for pet owners. It has WiFi connectivity and voice control (it works with Alexa and Google Assistant). It works remarkably well on carpets as well as hard floor surfaces and it is very effective when it comes to cleaning up the pet hair in your house. You can program it to vacuum regardless of where you are, with the help of the iRobot HOME app and its high-quality filter can clean up to 99% of allergens, pollen and other small particles in your home. The iRobot Roomba 890 has a run time of 2 hours and the ability to self-charge. Its price on Amazon: $448.99.

Xiaomi Mi Robot Vacuum Cleaner. The Xiaomi robot vacuum is a very smart gadget with laser distance sensor (LDS), which performs a 360 degree scan, 1800/sec, in order to map out your house. It has a slim design, WiFi capabilities and automatic charging. This vacuum has a very generous battery (5200mAh) which translates into a run time of 2.5 hours. The app allows you to control the robot from anywhere via WiFi and to set customized schedules. It has a very powerful suction (1800pa) and a HEPA filtration to prevent clogging. It is packed with several sensors, 12 to be more exact: long distance, wall, collision sensors and more. You can get the Xiaomi Mi robot vacuum for approx. $390.

Ecovacs Deebot N79. It has a modern and elegant design, WiFi connectivity and it has self-charging. The battery is not exceptional, but good enough, you get 100 minutes of use on a single charge. The Ecovacs has voice control, four specialized cleaning modes, anti-drop, anti-collision sensors and air filtration. The dustbin is large and easy to clean and compared to other vacuums, the Ecovacs is really quiet, so there won’t be any annoying buzz every time the vacuum is on. You can buy the Ecovacs Deebot N79 for approximately $230.