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How much can Root car insurance save you?

Kelly Avatar By: Kelly | Last updated October 17, 2020

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Root car insurance has a way to save your pocket and to reward you for being a good and safe driver. Unlike many other car insurance companies, Root car insurance is not interested in demographics, the model or age of your car. Instead, it cares about the way you drive. That’s why they invented the Root application that uses your GPS to track your driving behavior. It is recommended to use the app for two or three weeks for the best results. Once you start using this app, you are instantly triggering the quote process. This app will measure the smoothness of your drive, the way you use your brakes, how your driving changes in turns and the time of day you’re driving the most because day hours are considered to be much safer.

After this period, you will receive the results of your test drive and your driving score will decide on the car insurance price during one month or six months, depending on the membership you choose. Root claims that if your score is number one you can save up to 52% on your car insurance. The better you drive, the more you save because good drivers deserve lower prices. At the same time, if your driving is bad, they won’t even consider you for car insurance because their policy is that they don’t want to encourage bad driving behavior.

During the test driving period, you can also be under insurance for 60 days. One part of this period (30 days) is for test driving. Once you finish the test driving period and get the final quote based on your driving behavior, you still have those 30 days from the 60 days insurance period to decide whether you will accept or decline the offer.

Root Car Insurance offers several insurance policies and no matter what policy you choose, 24/7 roadside assistance is free of charge. Considering the modern features Root Car Insurance has to offer, roadside assistance is also available through the Root application where you can contact their partners and employees.

The Root Car Insurance coverage deal also offers two types of discounts: Referral discount that is available in all states covered by Root, except in California. Invite your friend to sign up on the private referral link and you can save up to $100 for each referral sign up. The second discount is also for Tesla cars and the Autosteer option. This way you will reduce the overall workflow by using the autopilot and save many miles while using the Test drive period.  

Root Car Insurance can save you a lot of money because you are the boss in this process and your driving style will be the final call in the quote. Root also considers some other factors, like demographic and credit history, but to a lesser extent than other car insurance companies. Be responsible, be safe, improve your driving style and be rewarded for that.