ReviewFyer / Articles / Services / Car insurance / Is Root Insurance a good option to consider for your car?

Is Root Insurance a good option to consider for your car?

Matt Avatar By: Matt | Last updated July 11, 2019

root insurance co root car insurance service hands place above red toy car

Car insurance companies are a thriving industry. Every driver needs to have a car insurance in order to be able to get on the road and the offer is so wide that it can be overwhelming to find the best insurance company. Not only that, but a lot of them are scammers and you have to be well informed and do your homework thoroughly before signing up with one.

One popular scam is to offer really low introductory rates to attract customers, but after the initial offer expires, those companies start to charge excessive rates. That is why it is crucial to carefully read the policy and the terms before agreeing to anything.

If an insurance company is not transparent about all its terms and fees, that’s another sign of alarm. So is urgency when it comes to paying or processing your documents and urging you to sign them.

Root Insurance - Is it a good car insurance company to consider? 

Root Insurance Co is a car insurance company that has come up with a revolutionary concept when it comes to document processing, establishing its rates and choosing its customers. Root Insurance doesn’t require you to go to any office for any meetings when you want to sign an insurance policy. Instead, everything is done through their mobile app, from applying, to establishing eligibility and rates.

Who is Root Insurance for?  

As it clearly states it on its website, Root Insurance is not for every driver. The company clearly states that it only insures good drivers. That is because approximately 30% of drivers are responsible for around 45% of all accident costs and they don’t want to pay for them. A good driver is a driver who doesn’t drive in a reckless manner, under the influence and so on.

In addition to being a good driver to qualify for Root Insurance, you also have to have in mind that Root Insurance doesn’t currently operate in all the states. It only operates in 25 states, although they expand rapidly.

The test drive

Root Insurance calculates the ability and eligibility of a driver with the help of technology, using AI (artificial intelligence). They gather they data from the Root app and figure out through software if a driver is worth being represented by them or not. The process is realized through what they call a ‘test drive’. Here is how it works:

  • The customer downloads the app (which is available for both iOS and Android devices) and installs it on the phone. Then, they have to sign up and give the app the necessary permissions to work and gather necessary data. Your GPS has to be always on, but your app doesn’t necessary have to be always open, it will still work in the background
  • The next step is to carry on with your life as usual and start driving; the app uses algorithms and the phone’s motion sensors to figure out when you are driving and it can calculate how good or bad of a driver you are; the app is so smart that it can even know whether you are the passenger, the driver, when you are in your car or on a bike; your driver rates are determined based on your driving habits
  • Your driving will be analyzed by the app for approximately 2, 3 weeks. Based on the way you drive, the app will determine whether you are a good or a bad driver, whether you qualify or not for a car insurance with Root Insurance. The main factors taken into consideration when calculating your rate are: the way you brake and how often you do it; your speed of turns, your miles driven and your routes, the times of day when you drive;
  • At the end of the test drive you will receive an insurance rate based on how good of a driver you were; the better you drive and the more you respect the rules and others in traffic, the better your score and the lower the rate; Root Insurance claims it can help you save up to 52% off your previous rate, depending on your skills and driving habits

The benefits of Root Car Insurance

One of the best things about this car insurance service is that it is efficient and it saves you a lot of trips and time; you no longer have to put up with annoying paper work and go through time-consuming meetings with agents, in order to get an insurance. Root Insurance does it all through its app and you do everything from your smartphone.

Another benefit of this service is the fact that it can help you save a lot of money and it can also motivate you to be more cautious behind the wheel and to become a better driver. Not only will that save you money, but it will also be a good thing for the other traffic participants.

Root Insurance doesn’t place as much importance on your credit score as other companies, or on your prior car insurance rate.