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What does the Root Insurance Application do?

Kurtis Avatar By: Kurtis | Last updated July 22, 2020

car insurance root insurance app man in white shirt holding smartphone car drawing above phone

Root Car Insurance is a new type of vehicle insurance that prioritizes your driving performance when calculating your final insurance rate. Their system ensures that better drivers will be given lower rates while those who tend to drive riskily will either have a higher rate or will be denied service. The service was found in 2015 by CEO Alex Timm.

How does it work?

Application and registration for Root Car Insurance are easy. This is because every transaction included with their service only requires you to download their application available through the Google Play Store and Apple App Store. Once downloaded, the intuitively-designed application will guide you through the process of registration.

After registration, you will be given two methods to know your final insurance rate. The first one involves being insured immediately on the first day. This will then lead to a trial test that can last up to sixty days. The second method makes you have your final insurance rate after thirty days but without the prior rate on the first day.

How does it measure your performance?

Root Car Insurance’s main focus is on using your smartphone to calculate your driving performance. Through the phone’s GPS and motion sensors, it can calculate different factors that they will observe including:

  • Consistency – The consistency of the speed of your car from start to finish is observed. This means that whenever entering and exiting a            highway   or entering a pedestrian zone, your speed must always be justified.
  • Braking – The application measures how you use your brakes. Any hard brakes are expected to make your grade lower.
  • Hours of use – Root Car Insurance has a specific time schedule where cautious drivers are most likely to drive. After all, driving during later hours may make you prone to accidents.
  • Turns – Your turns should be slower and stable for you to have a higher grade.

Those who will especially take caution whenever driving will be awarded lower and more affordable rates. They may also reject some drivers who will drive riskily.

With this system, Root Car Insurance makes it easier for drivers who tend to drive safely benefit from lower rates. This is an advantage from traditional car insurance companies as the latter makes it more likely for those who drive safely to pay more for accidents that may be incurred by risky drivers.