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ZeroVPN – Simple interface and features

Kelly Avatar By: Kelly | Last updated February 29, 2020

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Virtual Private Networks or VPNs are our solution to an ever-growing risk of cyber-hacking. It is rampant nowadays because of the demand for information and tracking of our internet actions. After all, we do not only download data from the internet, we also upload it ourselves. This is utilized by third parties to be sold to advertisement agencies and for others which may use it without your consent. This may include your name, credit card information, and location.

Virtual Private Networks do this by making our internet data be encrypted first before sending it into a private series of tunnels, which will then be rerouted to a server. When we connect to the website of our choice, we become anonymous and displayed as coming from far away our location.


ZeroVPN is one of these applications. It is available for all android gadgets. Being capable of being used in phones, it is a substantial application to use. Phones are more personal and contain more information about yourself than other gadgets, meaning that hackers may obtain more information about you through it.

Features of ZeroVPN

  1. Choose your display location

Being a Virtual Private Network, ZeroVPN allows you to choose a server which you will be connected to throughout your use of the application. Choosing a server is crucial as it will be the one displayed to the website that you will visit.

A good thing about ZeroVPN is its abundance of servers. This means that users can have a variety of countries to choose, therefore giving you the option to be as far away as you can get from your actual location.

  1. A clean and user-friendly interface

The VPN terminologies and words just become too confusing to see at first glance due to their complexity. ZeroVPN strays away from this by ensuring that their application interface is kept simple and clean. You will just have to open the app, choose a server, and then start connecting to it. Through those simple steps, you can easily encrypt your data.

The VPN also displays a word map above these options which will let you choose the location which you would like to access.

  1. Android app for ZeroVPN

Android phones are known to be more modifiable for users, allowing them to have more control on the software of these. However, they are also known to be more unsecured compared to iOS.

This is bad news for those that pour in a lot of their personal information on their phones. At a wrong click or website, you might risk leaking your information while online.

ZeroVPN was especially made for Android access, and it is also free. You can download the app from the Google Playstore and you can immediately use it afterwards. It also promises its customers that it will always be free.

  1. ZeroVPN Speed

Using VPNs will naturally make your internet connection slower than usual. Because of all the rerouting and encryption involved in making sure that your connection is secure, your speed takes a toll.

Even though it is inevitable, ZeroVPN still manages to have a speed that is only slightly affected. This means that you’re still free to stream and to play games on your phone while still having almost the same internet speed.  It is also good if you plan to use VPN for video-calling.

In the end, ZeroVPN manages to have all the necessary parts of a VPN and more. For a free VPN, it manages to have everything you need to be able to browse the internet securely.

To use the app, simply download it from the Google Play Store.