A bad credit score can make your life very difficult, for a number of reasons. Whether you want to get a loan or a mortgage, rent a place, buy something and so on, your credit score will matter to the people or institutions you have to deal with.
It is your credit score that lets your lender or the bank know how “credit-worthy” you are, how likely you are to be serious and pay your monthly rates in time and if you are financially prepared for it. The paradox with taking credit for instance is that you have to have a decent, stable income in order to qualify.
Do you need a credit repair service?
While credit scores pretty much reflect our financial decisions, it is not always our fault when those scores drop and our reports deteriorate. Sometimes the culprit can be identity theft or a reporting error, as it is no secret that almost 80% of all credit reports contain some kind of error. Other times it can be your own fault for ending up with a bad credit score, because you might have made some poor financial decisions.
No matter what scenario applies to you, a credit repair service can be really useful sometimes.
Credit repair companies nowadays are really evolved and use complex tools and software to analyze and fix your credit problems, regardless of their nature.
Veracity Credit Consultants - Is it a good option to consider?
Veracity Credit Consultants is an American credit repair company based in Denver and on the market for more than 15 years.
The company offers 2 packages for their credit repair services: Select plan and Platinum plan.
The company can help you with bankruptcy and divorce issues, incorrect late payments, medical bills, home refinancing and more.
How much does Veracity cost?
The Select plan is priced at $49 per month plus $69 at the sign-up process.
The Platinum plan is priced at $79 per month plus $99 at sign-up.
What are the features included with both plans?
With the Standard plan you have to provide a credit report to them, based on a link they give you. With the Platinum plan the company will pull a credit report for you.
Another difference between the two plans is the duration for your report to be processed and your account to bet set up. With the Standard package, you have to wait from 5 to 10 business days. With the Platinum plan, you only have to wait 1 business day.
With both plans, Veracity will analyze your report and if any issues/errors are found, they will send dispute letters to all 3 major credit bureaus, in your behalf. In addition to those, with the Platinum plan they will also send intervention letters to your creditors.
A good thing about Veracity is that you can also enroll your spouse in the program and benefit from a discount.
The sign up process begins with you filling out a form on their website, with your full name, Social Security Number, your address, email and phone number.
Once you sign up, you will be contacted by one of their consultants, after they analyze your case.
Veracity claims you’ll start to see results in 45 to 60 days, with improvements in your credit score with up to 15% every month.
The Veracity website is not that complex, compared to some competitors, but you will find plenty of educational materials on credit repair, from articles, to ebooks, blogs, etc. You will have around the clock access to your online account and they will constantly send you tips through email.
As for Veracity’s customer support, it is unlimited for their customers, although not 24/7. You can reach them by phone or email, Monday through Friday, from 8 am to 6 pm (MST).
All in all, Veracity might seem like a basic service compared to major competitors, but they are trust-worthy and provide a lot of educational materials.