In case you are not aware of the importance of your Windows registry, let us clear it up for you. The registry is vital for your PC and your system couldn’t work without it. The registry is the huge ‘archive’, the database where all the important information about your computer is stored: the configuration settings and options, data about your software and hardware and so on.
The registry gets compromised over time, as we continue to install and uninstall programs on the PC, because that leads to spaces inside registry being formed, which translates into a slower performance of your machine.
What does a registry cleaner do?
Just like any other thing you own, your PC also needs a good ‘cleaning’ every now and then, and that’s what registry cleaning programs are designed to do.
The best registry cleaners scan your Windows registry and find all the issues, invalid entries and so on. Everything that needs to be fixed in your Windows registry will come up during the scan and the registry cleaning software will take care of all those issues. Before it removes anything though, the program will make a backup of your data, in case anything needs to be restored at a later time. You are also given the option to only remove the entries you want, by manually selecting or deselecting the files you want.
Registry cleaners focus on deleting only the files that are no longer useful, such as: libraries, DLLs, fonts, application paths, file extensions, installers, Windows services and so on.
Most registry cleaning programs nowadays are more than simple registry cleaners. They are complex optimizing tools that come with many other useful features that help you restore your PC to its peak performance. They can also defrag your disk, remove malware, update your drivers and more.
RegClean Pro registry cleaner – What are its features?
RegClean Pro is a registry cleaning software created by Systweak, a company present on the market for more than 20 years. You might have heard about other programs developed by Systweak, such as Advanced System Optimizer, Right Backup, Disk Analyzer, Duplicate Files Fixer and more. This company develops utility software for all operating systems, including those for mobile devices.
RegClean comes in two versions: a free one, which can be downloaded for free and a paid one, RegClean Pro.
The free version of the program is a good way to get familiarized with the program, its interface and capabilities. You can run a full system scan with the free version and you can even fix up to 15 registry entries. After that, if you like the software, you can upgrade to the Pro version, if you want to have access to all its features.
The Pro version is a complex program that fixes all your invalid registry entries, optimizes your Windows registry and increases the performance of your PC.
RegClean Pro comes bundled with another useful software, namely PhotoStudio (v2.1). This one is an image editing software that lets you capture images from any device, add visual effects to images, search for digital images, create slideshows and presentations and more.
RegClean Pro is great for preventing all those annoying BSODs (blue screens of death) and computer crashes and for making your system faster and more stable.
RegClean is only compatible with Windows devices and works on Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 8.1 and Windows 10.
RegClean Pro comes with yearly licenses. A license for a year will cost you $39.95 and, in this price, you also get the PhotoStudio software we mentioned above. You also get a 60-day money back guarantee.